Dolly Parton criticized for looking “cheap” and “ugly” – but she’s hit back
|Dolly Parton has enjoyed a protracted and incredibly prosperous career in the spotlight.
The legendary singer has been a mainstay at the top of the entertainment business for almost as long as any of us can remember, and her talents cut across decades and genres.
Even so, she is compelled to confront her detractors, given her legendary status. According to rumors, a number of them have been active lately, criticizing her appearance. Yes, even if she is getting close to eighty years old.
The 77-year-old Dolly Parton is well-known in the worlds of country music and celebrities.
Despite having performed and sung for the most of her life, the Tennessee native has become nothing short of a legend and has always adored entertaining her adoring audience.

In a recent interview with Pollystar, Dolly Parton disclosed that she will no longer be going on tour. She clarified:
I occasionally perform at special shows here and there. even play a few shows at a festival, or even a whole weekend of performances. However, I no longer plan to embark on a full-fledged tour.
There will undoubtedly be a void on stage for Dolly Parton, who rose from poverty in the Appalachian Mountains to the pinnacle of global showbiz.

Even though she is clearly popular, some people still find fault with the way she looks.
Indeed, it seems that her appearance has been a source of contention nearly from the beginning of her career. Dolly also remembered that in the past, someone had advised her to give up her unique style if she ever wanted a legitimate profession.
“People’s main advice to me was to change my appearance, to wear simpler clothes and hairstyles,” she clarified.
“They would say not to look so cheap, because nobody was ever going to take me seriously.”

The hurtful remarks have persisted throughout the years. If anything, some individuals feel even more justified in their seemingly completely unfair labels for Dolly.
“Dolly Parton is one ugly lady,” one Twitter user noted, while “Dolly Parton is so ugly, but she got nice breasts,” another user commented.
Despite all of the hate and cruelty from people on the internet, Dolly doesn’t waver in her defiance. She isn’t going to alter for anyone because she is completely content with the way her physique and appearance fit.
She famously remarked, “It costs a lot of money to look this cheap.”

Regarding her spouse, the country music legend has previously stated that he loves her unconditionally. “He doesn’t care if I’m fat,” Parton said. “He was never turned off. He’s fool enough to think I’m the sexiest, prettiest woman in the world.” It should come as no surprise that Dolly Parton is still driven to succeed and take on new challenges. According to Rolling Stone, she is prepared to accept her induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2022 and intends to honor it by releasing an album that some may view as outside her comfort zone. Fans were thrilled to learn last year that Parton was being considered for induction into the Hall of Fame following her incredible career.

However, if reports are to be trusted, the celebrity herself was first hesitant to accept the accolade. The singer Jolene reportedly believed that some musicians would be more fit to enter the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame because her career has primarily involved country music.
But in the end, the people had their say, and the electorate determined that Dolly really belonged there. Following her induction into the Hall of Fame in November, she immediately began working to ensure that her selection had been warranted.