He didn’t read a book until he was 31, then a diagnosis led him to inspire kids with similar struggles

Henry Winkler faced considerable challenges on his journey to success.

His difficulties began early in school, where he encountered academic struggles that resulted in harsh treatment from his parents. Despite his efforts, he was labeled lazy and stupid, causing significant damage to his confidence.

It wasn’t until many years later that Winkler discovered the root of his struggles: dyslexia.

Determined to turn his diagnosis into a source of inspiration, especially for children facing similar challenges, he embarked on a mission to share his story and encourage others.

Although Winkler ultimately became a celebrated actor, his path was far from easy.

He faced high expectations from his parents, who believed in the importance of education but misunderstood his learning difficulties.

Despite graduating from Yale University with a Master of Fine Arts degree, Winkler continued to grapple with challenges, particularly in reading scripts.

He developed strategies to compensate for his dyslexia, often improvising during auditions and performances.

Even after finding success as Arthur “Fonzie” Fonzarelli on Happy Days, Winkler still struggled with reading, especially during table reads with colleagues.

It wasn’t until much later, when his stepson was diagnosed with a learning disability, that Winkler realized he might also have dyslexia.

At the age of 31, Winkler finally received a diagnosis that explained his lifelong struggles with reading. Despite initial anger and frustration, he turned his experience into a positive force for change by writing a children’s book series featuring a character with dyslexia.

Through his writing and public advocacy, Winkler has become a beacon of hope for individuals with learning challenges.

He emphasizes the importance of perseverance and self-belief, encouraging children to pursue their dreams regardless of obstacles.

Despite his numerous accolades in Hollywood, Winkler considers his children’s books to be among his proudest achievements.

His memoir, set to be released in 2024, promises to further inspire readers with his remarkable journey of overcoming adversity.
