Parents Concealed Their Child to Protect Her from Stares – Now, at 2, She Blossoms Beautifully
|Parents always strive to protect their children, and in the case of Vienna Brookshaw, her parents took a special step to ensure her well-being. Born to her mother, Celine Casey, in April 2021 in the United Kingdom, Vienna had a congenital melanocytic nevus (CMN), a birthmark on her forehead between her eyebrows. While the condition didn’t impact Vienna’s health, her mom worried about potential emotional challenges as she grew older, considering that CMN could evolve with time.

CMN is a rare condition where a baby is born with harmless pigment cells that may grow as the child matures. Casey, concerned about her daughter’s future, inquired with doctors about the possibility of removing the birthmark to prevent any challenges Vienna might face.
Casey expressed, “We enjoy watching her grow on her journey, and we look forward to the day she grows up and can express her own thoughts. We’d love her no matter what, even if we kept the birthmark.”
The decision to remove Vienna’s birthmark stemmed from the noticeable stares and differential treatment she received as a baby. Casey observed that people treated Vienna differently from other infants, prompting her determination to pursue the birthmark’s removal.
However, the NHS declined to cover the surgery, deeming it cosmetic rather than essential for physical health. Undeterred, Casey initiated a fundraising campaign on GoFundMe, aiming to secure funds for the surgery. In just 24 hours, generous donors contributed $52,000, but due to increased hospital costs amid the COVID-19 pandemic, an additional $27,000 was needed.

Casey sought further assistance on GoFundMe to cover the extra costs for Vienna’s surgery, emphasizing the impact on the toddler’s well-being. Vienna, now two years old, successfully underwent the surgery, leaving only a small scar on her forehead. Casey regularly updates on her daughter’s healing process, emphasizing Vienna’s beauty.
Following the surgery, the parents consulted with the surgeon in London to ensure the scar’s proper healing. Vienna, now a healthy two-year-old, requires no further medical care. The family expresses gratitude for the support received and shares Vienna’s story, sending good wishes for her continued health.