Suri Cruise, the Daughter of Katie and Tom Cruise Silently Changed Her Name
|A big step toward becoming an adult, Suri Cruise just changed her name. She decided to give up her father’s last name and take on her mother’s middle name. Her journey toward independence and self-discovery is marked by the fact that, at eighteen, she now possesses the legal freedom to make such decisions.

A big step toward becoming an adult, Suri Cruise just changed her name. She decided to give up her father’s last name and take on her mother’s middle name. Her journey toward independence and self-discovery is marked by the fact that, at eighteen, she now possesses the legal freedom to make such decisions.

In reference to her mother Katie Holmes, whose full name includes the middle name Noelle, Suri was named as Suri Noelle in a New York musical performance, which made it clear that she had changed her name. It is clear from this purposeful decision that Suri is claiming her identity and independence.