Mike Landon was Melissa Gilbert’s moral compass and a father figure to her ever since she lost her own dad. However, as it turned out, he was nothing like Charles Ingalls from “Little House On The Prairie.”
|Michael Landon’s relationship with Melissa Gilbert took a tumultuous turn after an affair with makeup artist Cindy Clerico, leading to a rift between them. However, before his passing, the actor and Gilbert managed to reconcile their differences. Discover the circumstances surrounding the actor’s death.
Melissa Gilbert is a renowned American actress, television director, producer, and politician. Her journey in Hollywood began at an early age, with her breakthrough coming at just nine years old when she auditioned for “Little House On The Prairie.”
Fortunately, Gilbert’s audition was successful, landing her a role she portrayed with immense dedication, eventually becoming famous for her portrayal of Laura Ingalls.
The TV series was immensely popular from the 1970s to the late 1980s, featuring Gilbert alongside actors such as Todd Bridges, Matthew Laborteaux, Dean Butler, and Michael Landon, who played Charles Ingalls, Gilbert’s father on the show.

Beyond their on-screen father-daughter dynamic, Gilbert and Landon shared a close bond that deepened after the death of the actress’s father.
Landon served as a surrogate father figure to Gilbert, always looking out for her and spending quality time together. They even vacationed together in Hawaii every Easter, and their bond extended to their respective families.
Gilbert once revealed that Landon’s son, Mike Jr, was her prom date. Landon went above and beyond to assist Gilbert whenever she encountered difficulties on set, showcasing their strong bond.
During the filming of “Little House on the Prairie,” Gilbert recalled a specific instance where she forgot her lines and began to cry. Sensing her distress, Landon cleared the set, comforted her, and helped her rehearse until she got her lines right.
The series concluded with “Little House: The Last Farewell” in 1984, a bittersweet moment for Gilbert and the rest of the cast. Saying goodbye to her on-screen family was challenging for Gilbert, as she considered them her own.
Following the show’s end, Gilbert maintained positive relationships with her co-stars. However, her bond with Landon fractured after news emerged of his affair with Cindy Clerico, a makeup artist on set.
The revelation of Landon’s infidelity with Clerico, referred to by Gilbert’s mother as “the makeup artist and a stand-in,” deeply upset the actress.
Gilbert’s mother informed her of Landon and Lynn’s separation, urging her to support Landon’s estranged wife and children. The news rocked Gilbert’s world, altering her perception of Landon, a significant figure in her life.
Despite her determination to remain neutral while working with Landon, Gilbert admitted that his actions left her feeling angry and uncomfortable, putting her in a difficult position.
Shortly after news of Landon’s separation became public, it adversely affected his career, leading to lost endorsements and public scrutiny. Many perceived him as no different from the characters he portrayed on screen.

Gilbert revealed that Landon encouraged her to pursue romance after the separation, but she wasn’t ready for it. Despite being indirectly affected by the situation, Gilbert felt overlooked and hurt, as she considered herself part of Landon’s family.
As Landon embarked on a new chapter in Malibu following his divorce, Gilbert severed ties with him. Although they lost touch, Landon found love with Clerico, and they exchanged vows in a beachfront wedding in Malibu on February 14, 1983.
Landon’s happiness with Clerico was short-lived, as he received a devastating diagnosis of inoperable pancreatic cancer in April 1991.
Despite the grim prognosis, Landon remained hopeful and fought to prolong his life. He pursued various treatments and adopted a healthy lifestyle, including dietary changes and exercise.
In his final interview on “The Tonight Show” with Johnny Carson, Landon maintained his optimism, touching the hearts of many, including Gilbert.
Upon watching the interview, Gilbert reached out to Landon and became his caregiver until his passing three months later. She delivered a eulogy at his funeral, reflecting on their complex relationship and bidding farewell to a beloved mentor.
While Landon’s death brought closure for some, it brought haunting memories and painful struggles for Clerico and his children. Despite the passage of time, Landon’s legacy endures, remembered for his talent and profound impact on both his family and the world.