Shannen Doherty admits she’s preparing for death following stage 4 diagnosis

For cherished actress Shannen Doherty, confronting the inevitability of her own mortality has surprisingly brought a sense of peace amidst the fear it often instills.

In 2015, the renowned Hollywood figure disclosed her battle with breast cancer, later revealing in the subsequent year the harrowing news of its spread to her lymph nodes.

Since then, the 52-year-old star has openly shared her health journey, providing regular updates to her audience through the Let’s Be Clear podcast.

Throughout the years, Shannen has undergone extensive treatments including a unilateral mastectomy, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy, experiencing a brief reprieve in 2017 before facing another setback in 2020 when the cancer returned, now at Stage 4, with metastases to her brain and bones.

Despite the daunting prognosis, the Beverly Hills, 90210 alum remains hopeful about spending quality time with her loved ones. Earlier this year, she disclosed undergoing a treatment that successfully breached the blood-brain barrier, offering a glimmer of hope.

However, in a recent podcast episode released on Monday, April 1, Shannen addressed a decision she made to alleviate the burden on her family, particularly her mother, Rosa, for when the inevitable occurs.

“I’m a fighter, and I believe in science, and I think that something will come along that will keep on prolonging my life,” Shannen expressed during the podcast. “But my priority at the moment is my mom — I know it’s going to be hard on her if I pass away before her.”

Acknowledging the emotional gravity of her choice, Shannen confessed: “It feels like you’re giving up on something that was very special and important to you. But you know that it’s the right thing to do and that it’s going to give you a sense of peace and a sense of calm.”

In addition to parting with possessions, Shannen unveiled her plan to sell stored items, aiming to raise funds for travels with her mother. “It’s just stuff. I don’t need this, it doesn’t really bring me any great joy, but what does bring me great joy is taking my mom to the places that she’s always wanted to go to,” she expressed.

Amidst this poignant journey, Shannen finds solace in creating enduring memories with her loved ones, particularly her mother.
